
【Voice of Gedu】11月12日 雅思写作真题高分解析

 Henry Liu【主讲科目】: 雅思、托福写作&阅读
【简介】: 在雅思写作和阅读方面有独特的见地,深谙欧美文化生活。责任心强,善于与学生沟通交流,站在学生的角度考虑,倡导因材施教,有的放矢,夯实基础,勤学多练,引发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的良好习惯,重在通过书本内外知识有机结合,提高学生综合素质和能力。

【经历】: 加拿大劳里埃大学MBA,德国特里尔应用科技大学理学硕士。丰富的一线教学实战经验,屠鸭的路上曾帮助数千名考生实现理想分数。

More and more people move into big cities to live. What is the reason for this? Do you think it is a good thing or bad thing?
1分析这个趋势的原因首先,在开头引出这个话题之后,我们要分析这个趋势的原因,我们可以从以下内容进行分析:The reason for this trend might involve the recognition that there are a wide range of opportunities in large cities. 这些机会包括哪些内容呢?例如,medical care, education and employment. 这些机会会怎么样呢?These opportunities could contribute to the increase in the population of the metropolises.
2大城市人口增加的好处然后,在第3段,我们可以先从大城市人口增加的好处来说,例如:After the talents move into the large cities, they are more likely to seize the opportunities and achieve their capacities and skills so as to gain a higher standard of living, which is also beneficial to the whole society. Besides, urbanization is one of the most significant symbols of civilization and social progress, as well as giving an edge to the entire country in terms of development. In addition, with the migration of plenty of people from different areas, there could be a wide array of cultures in the large cities, which make the cities more interesting and attractive.
3大城市人口膨胀的坏处在第4段我们可以写大城市人口膨胀的坏处,例如:One of the main concerns is the security of society. With the acceleration of the pace of life, an increasing number of people would live under high pressure in terms of work and life. Some of these people with resentment tend to commit crimes such as robbery, which is detrimental to society. Apart from this, the congestion and environmental pollution also have impact on the large cities negatively. Furthermore, with the rise of the population of the metropolises, the supply of power and water also imposes a heavy burden to the government. 


【Voice Of Gedu】11月5日 雅思口语真题高分解析



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